Chad Haas Bio
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Is Haas-Jitsu effective for Law Enforcement? Haas-Jitsu is made up of a mix of techniques and strategies from both Jiu-Jitsu and Judo that are safe, simple, and effective. Officers can safely and effectively gain control over a Subject without injury to either party with proper use of Balance Disruption, Solid Body Mechanics, and Physics. With today's saturation of video cameras in everyone's hand, pocket, and local businesses, it's extremely important to maintain control and personal restraint while still being professionally effective. Officers can't rely on Pain Compliance techniques due to people having a wide range of pain tolerances. If someone has a high tolerance to pain or is under the influence of a substance, then Pain Compliance techniques will be neutralized or fail to work. Because of this, Officers are quick to turn to their belt for hands-off answers or become overly physically aggressive when there are less aggressive hand-to-hand options available. With proper hand-to-hand training, techniques, and strategies, Officers will have the confidence needed to use options other than their Taser, O.C. Spray, ASP Baton, or Gun. The reality... We are more effective, have better public perception, and simply do more. We are not nearly as aggressive as other systems or Martial Arts. These are some of the subjects we work: - Low Level Escorts and Assists - Standing Locks - Throws and Take-Downs - Defense Against Weapons - Defense Against Multiple Attackers - Defense Against Striking - Defensive Counter Striking - Defense Against Common Wrestling Take-Downs - Ground Defense (Escapes) - Ground Control (Pinning & Joink Locking) - Proper User of Pressure Points - Weapon Retention, Availability, and Awareness - Self-Defense - Officer Specific Scenarios (Vehicle Extractions, EMS Patient Control Assistance, Etc.) Because we pull from more in-depth Martial Arts (Jiu-Jitsu and Judo), we are able to have more tools and techniques at our disposal. These arts include Punching, Kicking, Standing Locks, Throwing, Defense Againts Weapons, Defense Against Multiple Attackers, Ground Fighting (offensive & defensive), Etc. The history of JuJitsu and Judo can be found on our History page. Ultimately, Haas-Jitsu is effective for Law Enforcement because Haas-Jitsu isn't teaching Martial Arts to teach Martial Arts. The techniques and strategies we use are with the mindset of protecting our Officers, First Responders, as well as the general public they interact with. Request access to one of our videos to see an example of our teaching methods, presentation, and knowlege. Is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) effective for Law Enforcement? (link) Is Krav Maga effective for Law Enforcement? (link) |
Instructor :
Chad Haas, Student of Zdenek Matl since 1993. Ranked Rokudan (6th Dan Black Belt) in Judo and Jiu-Jitsu by Sensei Zdenek Matl. Over 15 years experience training Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS at all levels (Local, State, Federal). Instructing as a Black Belt for more than 25 years. |
Contact : Email web-contact [at] haas-jitsu [dot] org if you have any questions about our program. Phone at (512) 970-7742. Be sure to leave a message if there is no answer. |